Our Story

After moving into a remote and beautiful Mid-Devon barn conversion with no internet or TV to distract us, Sarah and I set about upcycling “things” out of the farmyard scrap to keep us occupied (with the farmers permission, of course!). We’ve always been creative people and loved making things, but it turns out we just needed to dedicate some time to the hobby to spark a real passion!

From tractor tyre rim tables, pallet wood planters, random engine part lamps to scaffold board benches, we found ourselves having an insane amount of fun making the ugly and unwanted into the useful and beautiful again. The more random the object, the more interesting the challenge!

As a man who is apparently hard to buy presents for, I tend to receive an array of new whiskies for birthdays and Christmas. It’s by no means a bad thing, but it’s my own personal version of getting socks for Dad. If socks were a beautiful and delicious amber liquid, that is...

Since most of the whiskeys were expensive gifts from loved ones, many of the bottles were just too handsome and had too much sentimental value to simply throw in the bin. So, they inevitably became excellent “I’ll do something with these one day” dust collectors. The day finally arrived where I was given the ultimatum from The Boss to either make use of them, or to bin them. As an habitual hoarder the latter just wasn't an option, so after a little head-scratching and trial and error, I finally started experimenting with the concept of making them into candles, planters, drinking glasses and lamps, to name just a few projects.

Word spread about our new bottle-based activities and people began requesting their own “special bottles” to be made into things. What started out as a hobby soon escalated, and after applying to a few local craft shows “Adhock Homeware” was born.

So here we are, a couple of years later and making “stuff” is still just as exciting for us. Candles and lamps upcycled from alcohol bottles are our staple for now, but we’re never short of ideas so stay tuned for plenty of awesome new stuff coming soon!

In the meantime, if there’s something in particular you would like to be upcycled, feel free to shoot us a message via our Contact Us page or one of our social media channels “@adhockhomeware”.

Until next time, cheers all!

Nick and Sarah

Nick and Sarah - Founders
Nick & Sarah - Founders
Britt and Flossy - Social Media Squad
Britt & Flossy - Social Media Squad
Kelly - Candle Crew
Kelly - Candle Crew
Luna and Toby - Chief Morale Officers
Luna & Toby - Chief Morale Officers